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2013 World Series of Poker

Event #35: $3,000 Pot-Limit Omaha
Dias: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações sobre o nível
25,000 / 50,000

Nível: 23

Blinds: 10,000/20,000


Joni Jouhkimainen Eliminated in 8th Place ($37,529)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Joni Jouhkimainen - 8th Place
Joni Jouhkimainen - 8th Place

Hand #20: Michal Maryska raised to 40,000 from the button, and William "Tom" Black called from the big blind. The flop came {K-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{A-Spades}. Black checked, and when Maryska continued for 37,000, Black let his hand go.

Hand #21: Douglas Corning opened for 45,000 from middle position, earning him the blinds.

Hand #22: Jeff Madsen raised to 44,000, and only Joni Jouhkimainen called from the big blind. The flop came {3-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{8-Hearts}, and when Jouhkimainen checked, Madsen bet the pot (98,000). Jouhkimainen responded by raising all in for 174,000, and Madsen called.

Jouhkimainen: {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{2-Hearts}
Madsen: {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades}{4-Hearts}

The turn was the {Q-Clubs} and river the {7-Spades}, meaning Madsen ended with eights and sevens and Jouhkimainen was eliminated.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jeff Madsen us
Jeff Madsen
WSOP 4X Winner
Joni Jouhkimainen fi
Joni Jouhkimainen
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Jeff MadsenJoni Jouhkimainen

Two More for Clements

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #23: Danny Hannaway raised to 45,000, and Scott Clements called in position. The flop fell {2-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}, Hannawa led out for 81,000, Clements raised the pot (353,000), and Hannawa folded.

Hand #24: William Black limped in from the cutoff, Clements called on the button, Douglas Corning called in the small blind, and Jeff Madsen checked his option in the big blind. The dealer fanned {j-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} and all four players checked. The turn was the {a-Clubs}, Corning checked, and Madsen fired 56,000. Black called, Clements and Corning folded, and the river was the {7-Hearts}. Madsen led out for 131,000, and Black folded.

Hand #25: Clements raised to to 45,000 out of the cutoff, Ryan Chapman called in the big blind, and the flop was {9-Hearts}{k-Spades}{7-Hearts}. Chapman checked, Clements fired out a continuation bet, and Chapman called. Chapman checked dark before the {2-Clubs} turned, Clements checked behind, and the {3-Hearts} completed the board. Chapman checked a third time, Clements fired 131,000, and Chapman folded.

Tags: Danny HannawaDouglas CorningJeff MadsenRyan ChapmanScott Clements

Catching Up With Madsen on Break

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Jeff Madsen
Jeff Madsen

Jeff Madsen is sitting comfortably as chip leader going into the final seven of Event No. 35 $3,000 Pot-Limit Omaha.

Madsen leads with 1,520,000 in chips with Scott Clements trailing behind in second with 845,000.

Madsen, a two-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner, is now looking to earn his third of his career. In 2006 he won a $2,000 No-Limit Hold’em event and a $5,000 No-Limit Hold’em Six-Handed event, earning over $1.3 million between the two. He was also crowned the 2006 WSOP Player of the Year.

During the 20-minute break, we had a chance to talk with Madsen about his hand that busted Phil Hellmuth in this very event, and his strategy against Scott Clements.

Since winning two bracelets in 2006, have you made any adjustments to your game to better yourself as a player?

As you get better you naturally just gain more experience in certain spots. In life and on the poker table, you should always be making adjustments. If you make a mistake then it will only make you better and prepare you for the next situation. Half of poker is away from the table whether it is adjusting, studying, and realizing what you have to do to not make the same mistake twice.

You’ve played in mixed-game events and have done well in no-limit Hold’em events. Which do you feel stronger or more comfortable playing?

I’m comfortable in general. I started off playing most of the games so there’s not really any game that I’m not at least somewhat comfortable with. Obviously I play more no limit Hold’em events than other games but in general I feel comfortable with everything. No limit is different, of course, you can bust in every hand that you play and mixed-games is more relaxed at times because it’s limit and doesn’t necessarily force you to have your whole stack at risk.

Yesterday you posted on Twitter that you busted Phil Hellmuth. Can you talk about how that hand went down?

It was a multi-way pot and Hellmuth called a raise and I defended from the big hand. It wasn’t an amazing hand or anything it was pretty standard. I had {K-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{8-}{5-}. I flopped bottom two pair and a flush draw. It checked to Hellmuth and he bet. I thought he was strong because he usually is but he was pretty short so I thought that maybe my flush draw or two pair was good so I put him all in. I already had a big stack so it was a standard move. He had top set and I hit a flush. He is more of a no limit player but I think he just doesn’t like losing.

Was busting Hellmuth what catapulted you up to the top, maybe mentally?

Not really. I was already up in the chip lead. That pot definitely helped but I was already at like half a million or maybe 700,000 in chips. It’s always a confidence booster when you bust a high-profile player though.

Scott Clements is perhaps the most experienced PLO player at the table. Do you have a strategy for how you will play against him?

I am aware that he’s the best player at the table. I’m not intimidated but I am aware that he can play tricky in some spots so I will just have to be careful with him and not maybe go after him like I would another player.

Do you like the 2013 WSOP schedule or are there some changes you want to see for next year?

I actually really like it. I think every year someone has a complaint about something like adding more mixed-game events. I like that the schedule changes every year and I think it already has a good mix of events and buy-ins. As long as the WSOP keeps with a good mix of all the games and buy-ins then I’ll always be happy.

After the WSOP, what’s on your poker schedule?

I haven’t thought that far through but I want to play more EPT events. Usually I stick to playing WPT tournaments but I want to extend my options this year.

You posted on Twitter, “gratefulness attracts abundance.” Is that your motto for the summer?

It means that if you don’t appreciate what you have then you will never have enough. If you appreciate what you have then you’ll have everything you want. It’s not necessarily my motto for just the series but for everyday life.

Tags: Jeff Madsen

William "Tom" Black Eliminated in 7th Place ($48,624)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
William "Tom" Black - 7th Place
William "Tom" Black - 7th Place

Hand #26: Scott Clements (middle position) limped, Ryan Chapman (small blind) called, and Michal Maryska (big blind) checked. All three checked the {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{k-Clubs} flop and {J-Diamonds} turn. The river was the {4-Diamonds} and when Maryska bet 33,000, Clements called and Chapman folded.

Clements had {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{x-}{x-}, and Maryska showed a {4-} as he folded.

Hand #27: William "Tom" Black limped in from under the gun, Douglas Corning raised to 60,000 from the cutoff, and Black called. The flop came {4-Hearts}{8-Spades}{3-Diamonds}, and Black check-called a bet of 85,000 from Corning. The turn was the {4-Clubs} and Black checked. Corning bet 140,000, and Black folded.

Hand #28: Jeff Madsen opened for 44,000 from the hijack seat, Michal Maryska called from the button, then William "Tom" Black reraised to 120,000 from the big blind. Madsen responded by raising the pot to 414,000, forcing Maryska out. Black thought a bit and made the call, leaving himself but 41,000 behind.

The pot had around 880,000 in it when the flop came {K-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}. Black checked, and when Madsen announced he was betting the pot Black called all in.

Madsen: {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{J-Spades}
Black: {A-Spades}{A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{10-Spades}

Madsen had hit a set of kings, and after the {7-Clubs} turn and {7-Hearts} river, Black had been eliminated.

Just six players remain, and now Madsen is sporting a stack of nearly 2.4 million, with Clements currently his nearest challenger with about 1 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jeff Madsen us
Jeff Madsen
WSOP 4X Winner
William Black us
William Black

Tags: Jeff MadsenWilliam Black

Clements Staying Active

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #29: Danny Hannawa called on the button, Scott Clements checked, and the flop was {j-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. Both players checked. The turn was the {k-Clubs}, Clements check-called 20,000 from Hannawa, and the {3-Spades} completed the board. Clements checked, Hannawa tossed out 64,000, and Clements folded.

Hand #30: Clements completed from the small blind, Douglas Corning raised to 40,000 more, and Clements folded.

Hand #31: Jeff Madsen received the first walk of the final table.

Hand #32: Madsen raised to 50,000 out of the small blind, Ryan Chapman defended and the two checked on the flop ({8-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{k-Clubs}), and the turn ({8-Hearts}). The {q-Diamonds} completed the board, Madsen led out for 50,000, and Chapman folded.

Hand #33: Clements raised to 45,000 in middle position, and won the pot.

Hand #34: Clements limped in from under the gun, Corning called behind, Michal Maryska completed from the small blind, and Hannawa checked in the big. The flop fell {5-Hearts}{10-Spades}{k-Hearts}, both blinds checked, Clements fired 52,000, and only Maryska called. The turn was the {5-Clubs}, Maryska checked again, and Clements fired out 84,000. Maryska folded.

Tags: Danny HannawaDouglas CorningJeff MadsenMichal MaryskaRyan ChapmanScott Clements

Corning Corners Maryska, Forces Fold

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Douglas Corning
Douglas Corning

Hand #35: Jeff Madsen raised to 44,000 from the cutoff seat and both blinds — Danny Hannawa and Scott Clements — called. The flop came {8-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{7-Clubs}. Hannawa led with a bet 132,000, and both Clements and Madsen folded.

Hand #36: Clements called from the small blind, Douglas Corning raised, and Clements called. The flop came {A-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{8-Diamonds}. Clements checked, and when Corning bet 75,000, Clements folded.

Hand #37: Clements limped from the button and Jeff Madsen checked from the big blind. The flop came {2-Spades}{4-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. Madsen checked, and Clements bet 35,000, good enough to win as Madsen folded.

Hand #38: Michal Maryska limped from UTG, then Corning raised to 60,000 from the button, forcing out the blinds. Maryska called the raise, and the flop came {9-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}. Maryska checked, and Corning bet 90,000. Maryska thought a short while, then called. The {5-Clubs} fell on fourth street, and both checked.

The river was the {Q-Diamonds}, pairing the board. Maryska pushed out a bet of 103,000, and Corning waited about a minute before raising to 270,000 total. That sent Maryska into the tank for a couple of minutes before he folded, and Corning showed his {K-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{3-Diamonds} for kings and queens.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Douglas Corning us
Douglas Corning
Michal Maryska cz
Michal Maryska

Tags: Douglas CorningMichal Maryska

Nível: 24

Blinds: 12,000/24,000


Hands #39-42

Nível 24 : 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

Hand #39: Jeff Madsen raised to 44,000 on the button, Michal Maryska called in the small blind, and the flop came {10-Spades}{5-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. Maryska checked, Madsen continued for 55,000, and Maryska called. The turn brought the {q-Spades}, both players checked, and the {j-Spades} completed the board. The two checked again.

Maryska showed {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{4-Spades}{k-Hearts} for an ace-high flush, and dragged in the pot.

Hand #40: Madsen raised to 44,000 in the cutoff, and won the blinds.

Hand #41: Maryska raised to 45,000 in the cutoff, Scott Clements called in the small blind, and the dealer fanned {k-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}. Both players checked. The turn was the {2-Hearts}, Clements led out for 39,000, and Maryska called. The river was the {k-Spades}, both players checked and Clements won the hand with {k-Clubs}{10-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} for trip kings.

Hand #42: Maryska raised to 45,000 in early position, Danny Hannawa re-raised to 165,000 on his direct left, and the action folded back to Maryska, who folded as well.

Tags: Danny HannawaJeff MadsenMichal MaryskaScott Clements