18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2017 Aussie Millions

$10,000 Main Event
Dias: 1b
Event Info

2017 Aussie Millions

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
1,600,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,685,000 AUD
Informações sobre o nível
80,000 / 160,000

Guerin Gets Some

Nível 2 : 100/200, 0 ante

Didier Guerin is stacking chips after finding some value on the river against an opponent in a recent hand.

It was checked to Guerin who had the button on a flop of {5-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and he bet at it for 1,000. Guerin’s tablemate check-raised to 2,800 and Guerin called before the {10-Spades} arrived on the turn.

The last aggressor continued for another 2,800 and again Guerin called to see the {j-Spades} roll off on the end. Finally it was checked to Guerin who decided on a bet of 5,000. He was paid off and tabled {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs} for an overpair. The hand was good and he scooped the pot to add to his stack.

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Didier Guerin au
Didier Guerin

Tags: Didier Guerin

Rich River

Nível 2 : 100/200, 0 ante

The player in the cutoff limped into the pot before Angelina Rich raised to 550 from the button. The original limper called after the blinds mucked their hands.

The flop came {6-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and a check prompted Rich to throw out a continuation bet totalling 550. The bet was called.

The turn brought the {4-Spades} resulting in Rich's opponent check calling another bet worth 1,400.

The {10-Spades} completed the board and both players checked.

Rich then flipped over {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for a pair of tens.

"On the river," mouthed her opponent, before tabling his {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} for a lesser pair.

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Angelina Rich au
Angelina Rich

Otto On The Rise

Nível 2 : 100/200, 0 ante

New Zealand’s Ryan Otto is off to a good start here on Day 1b – he just took down a pot against Jamie Pickering.

It was Pickering who kicked things off with an under the gun raise to 525, and after he picked up one caller, Otto raised it to 2,100 from the small blind. Both Pickering and the third party called to see a flop of {j-Spades}{3-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}.

Otto continued for 3,800, Pickering called and their tablemate folded before the dealer turned the {2-Hearts}. Otto then asked how much Pickering had behind, only to be shown around 18,000. Deciding on a bet of 6,700 Otto flicked it into the pot, and while Pickering looked like it was tough to let it go, that’s exactly what he did as the pot was pushed Otto’s way.

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Ryan Otto nz
Ryan Otto
WSOP 1X Winner
Jamie Pickering au
Jamie Pickering

Tags: Jamie PickeringRyan Otto

Abdine on the River

Nível 2 : 100/200, 0 ante

The player in middle position limped into the pot before Shivan Abdine raised it up to 750 from the cutoff. His opponent called.

The flop came {8-Spades}{3-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} and the player in middle position bet 400. Abdine called.

The turn brought the {j-Diamonds} and once again Abdine called a bet totaling 400.

The {k-Spades} completed the board and the aggression stopped. Abdine was met with a check and tossed in a bet totalling 4,000. His opponent was taken back by the bet before opting to muck his hand relinquishing the pot.

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Shivan Abdine au
Shivan Abdine

Honeyman Hits Back

Nível 2 : 100/200, 0 ante

Australian Dylan Honeyman finished 5th in this event last year and he’s made a return in hopes of improving on that by four places here this week. So far Honeyman has had a rocky start but he just added some chips to his shorter stack with some preflop play.

The action began with the player in the hijack opening to 450 before both the cutoff and the button made the call. Honeyman was sitting in the small blind and he opted to push all in for 5,550. That was too much for his three opponents who all folded their hands before the pot was awarded to Honeyman.

Also at the tables today is fellow 2016 Aussie Millions Main Event final tablist Alex Lynskey who placed fourth last year for A$445,000. We’ll be keeping a close eye on both he and Honeyman’s progress here on Day 1b.

Tags: Alex LynskeyDylan Honeyman

Nível: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 0

Portaro Punished by Cold Deck, Eliminated

Nível 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

We’ve lost Bruno Portaro in the first level today after he found an inferior full house against tablemate Simon Chahine.

We arrived at the table just as the money had gone all in on the river with the board reading {8-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{a-Spades}{4-Diamonds}. Portaro had {7-Spades}{7-Hearts} for a flopped full house but Chahine’s {a-Hearts}{a-Diamonds} had that trumped with a turned aces full of eights.

“That’s disgusting” Chahine admitted as Portaro stood up from his seat.

“The shortest Aussie Millions of all time” Portaro said before exiting the tournament area.

Apparently Chahine just flatted in the big blind preflop so the strength of his hand was disguised from Portaro.

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Bruno Portaro au
Bruno Portaro

Tags: Bruno PortaroSimon Chahine

Chahine Bullies the Table

Nível 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

On a flop of {8-Hearts}{2-Spades}{q-Hearts} the player in the small blind checked. Bruno Portaro then led out for 650 from the big blind and was called by Simon Chahine in middle position. The small blind then raised it up to 2,625 and Portaro called. Chahine paused for a moment before announcing a raise and pushed forward 7,825 in chips.

The player in the small blind then tanked for several minutes before reluctantly folding his hand. Portaro let out a smile before also mucking his hand.

"How do I fold that to you?" joked Portaro, flashing the {q-Spades} as he mucked.

"I think you folded a set of two's," Chahine said to the small blind, as he raked in the pot.

The small blind confirmed and was assured he made the right fold by Chahine.

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Simon Chahine au
Simon Chahine

Tran Takes Out Epp

Nível 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Michael Tran has established himself as one of our early chip leaders after eliminating Gillian Epp after a cooler on Table 26.

We caught the action on a flop of {6-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Epp made it 4,000 to go from the big blind. After picking up a caller the action got to Michael Tran in the small blind. He came over the top with a sizable 19,000 to send Epp into the tank.

She deliberated for a few minutes before shrugging and moving all in for around 29,000. The third player in the hand mumbled to himself and after a tank of his own he ultimately let it go, before Tran tossed in the extra to put Epp at risk.

“Do you have eight-nine of hearts?” asked Epp.

“I have a set” Tran replied.

Epp: {a-Clubs}{7-Spades}
Tran: {7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}

It was Epp’s top two pair versus Tran’s middle set and while Epp could’ve caught an ace to stay alive, the {10-Spades} turn and {5-Hearts} river wouldn’t oblige. She departs as one of the first eliminations of the day while Tran emerges as an early chip leader.

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Michael Tran au
Michael Tran
Gillian Epp us
Gillian Epp

Tags: Gillian EppMichael Tran